HandiWALL Installation

  1. To ensure a smooth and professional installation of your HandiWALL® slatwall system, it’s important to measure where you intend to install the slatwall panels on the wall. This will help you determine the number of HandiWALL® panels needed and their optimal placement.
  2. Once you have your measurements, use a stud finder to locate the strongest areas on the wall. These are the ideal spots to screw your HandiWALL® panels into, ensuring a secure and stable installation. Mark these spots with a pencil or tape to serve as your reference points during the installation process.
  3. Begin the installation process by attaching the first HandiWALL® panel to the wall. Starting from the bottom and working your way up will help maintain a level and uniform appearance. Use the marked stud locations to guide you as you screw the panel into place, ensuring it is securely fastened to the wall.
  4. After securing the first HandiWALL® panel, proceed to install the trim around its perimeter. This trim will not only enhance the appearance of your HandiWALL® system but also serve as a guide for aligning the edges of subsequent panels.
  5. Next, stack, align, and screw the following HandiWALL® panel on top of the first one for a seamless look. Continue this process, stacking and screwing each HandiWALL® panel in place until all panels are securely attached to the wall.
  6. Once all panels are in place, finish by applying the remaining trim around the perimeter of the HandiWALL® system. This final touch will give your installation a polished and finished appearance, completing the overall look of your HandiWALL® slatwall system.

With the HandiWALL® panels securely installed and trimmed, you’re now ready to accessorize! Add your HandiACCESSORIES® to customize your storage solution, maximizing functionality and organization. Whether it’s hooks, shelves, or bins, these accessories will help you make the most of your HandiWALL® system, helping you make more space for life!